You Just Found Home!

Where am I going?? When will I get there?? Where are you?? I go through these questions every day. What's the meaning behind the questions that decide the choices we make. The purpose of this site is to call onto all those people who wonder what their next move is. If you take anything out of this site, it's that your apart of a brotherhood of drifters, athletes, adventure thrill seekers, musicians, artists, soldiers, and everything that makes this place beautiful and adverse. We will not stop moving, and together we will overcome all that stands in front of our way until we're PATH'DOUT!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Top Five National Parks To Visit, and What To Do When You Get There

Acadia National Park, Maine.
Yosemite National Park, California.
Great Sand Dunes National Park and Reserve, Colorado.
Hot Springs National Park, Arkansas.
Everglades National Park, Florida.

-At Acadia you can be one of the first humans at dawn to gaze upon the sunrise off of a 1500 ft cliff, then backpack the rest of the awesome park.
-Yosemite In California is packed all through the summer, but strap on your boots ted, your in for 10.5 plus miles of cross country skiing, then warm up with a hot dinner and bed for 120$ dont forget your jammy's.
-The dunes are, well, dunes. Slide down 700 ft of sand on a garbage lid and feel like a camel on acid, in one of the newly formed national parks of the United States.
-The hot springs in Arkansas is said to be the oldest preserved national park, with over 900 acres of land to navigate and mineral bath springs that will make anyone rise to the occasion. 26 miles is nothing though, you can do it!
-The glades encompass gators, snapping turtles, and water mocassins. Pack a chew and blend with locals as you slip down the third largest preserve in the United States. Only attempt if you plan to meet Steve Irwin in the afterlife. Hope you get to see them all!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Major Labels Keep Hits for Another 20 years...Bullocks

Cliff's Law, named after Cliff Richard was ratified on monday extending copyrights to music made in the 1960's, for another twenty years. With this new law in form means "Beatles" classic tunes and other famous musicians will still be dominated by major labels making 72% of the total gain of profit. They shouldn't have even teased the american public by putting the "Beatles" on iTunes for a price of 2 dollars a song, double what most songs go for to download online. Your better off buying the original album for the prices they ask, fuck that noise. Roger Water of "Pink Floyd", remarks that they don't even see much profit off of they're music, and it poses the question, should the music belong to the owners who put all their emotion and passion into it. You can't steal music from the soul I say. When asking Noel Gallgher, singer in the song Wonderwall what he thought about the law he replied he, "he "didn't give a shit" about his recordings becoming public domain. "He knows it's about publishing," says Trunk. "The money isn't in making new Beatles albums. That's over." I Think it's those types of attitudes that make it hard for people to understand that sometimes musicians don't always deal with the right people, namely shitty producers, managers, labels. Death Row cough cough, excuse me. The artists wanna put their bad decisions behind them and make some dough for themselves for once, agree? In closing, fuck you Paul Mccartney, Lars Ulrich, U2, and Coldplay. Your talent sucks, and you make the world wear a suit and tie, "napster" cough cough.

To Read More Click here:
Music Can Drag Man

Monday, September 12, 2011

Time To Move On Earth

Two things i'd like to say here on this one. The fact that they are naming new discoveries in the galaxies as "Super Earth's" without even knowing how great these planets really are, maybe they are lame rocks on a planet in the middle of nowhere. I think of Earth as like the New York City of planets, big ups jesus, nicely done. To think they are canceling space programs is my next point. some say we wont get out into space again until the year 2035 due to war production and our failing budget costs, get over it people we dominate. I wonder what I'll be doing that year, probably stuck in a remote place with no T.V.'s to watch the shuttle launch. Thirdly naming planets is retarded now a days. They are naming this planet that might have a possibility of replicating Earth, "HD 85512 b". Couldn't scientist make it easy like Earth!!! We get it you chilean nerds, you worked hard to be a virgin for 40 years, but make our new discoveries pronounceable. Anyways food for thought, will the future renovate earth to be a retirement community for old people living on"HD 85512 b"? Drive through restaurants would be float thru, and thus shutting down Mc'donalds once and for all. 

To Nerd Out Click Below to read the article if you Can.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Browns left a skidmark in opener.

With no surprise the browns lose their first game to a slow and retarded Cincinnati Bengals team. Cincy, is expected to finish in last place this year, and the browns are just a fart away from them ranked 29th in the league. Bruce Gradkowski?? The guys nickname is "The Polish Cannon." Didn't the browns cut this bum last year. I saw him play for Toledo and he was a 7 year senior, and was lucky Scooter Mcdougal carried him his first two years. Gradkoski was bald when he was a freshman, I seriously think he houghed gasoline. Honestly the sherminator can kick this dudes ass. Browns need to find a solution to what looks like a up and down season, hopefully the kinks have been worked out with this loss, Someone sing me the Cuyahoga River song By Randy Newman please.

For disapointing stats Click Below.
Browns Loss to Bengals 0-1

Westlake Native, and graduate from St. Ignatious 2004. Found Dead

The body of Phil Masterson was found, apparently beaten to death, then pathetically left in the woods for his brother to find. Thursday night Phil had gone missing and his family had reported him missing. It wasn't until sunday that his brother stumbled upon him in the woods with his body covered up in a tarp. If you've ever been to put in bay it's filled with two spectrums of people; rich yacht riding old fucks trying to pretend they're still young, and hillbillies from the local area of port clinton. It's no surprise Zachary Brody of Bowling Green is a suspect in his murder. Bail was set in court for 750,000 $. I doubt anyone from bowling green has made over that in thier lifetime, so more then likely he will remain in ottawa county detention center. Do us a favor if you go to Put In Bay, don't act like a tough guy and try and fight people, your there for vacation, so get drunk, puke, contract an STD, sleep then eat at one of the many shitty establishments on the island the next morning like Frosty's. My sincere regret to Phil and his family.

 Channel 3's article with pictures of suspect, and victim.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Im doing it Big....Make your own Movie!!

Was looking around for free sources and really helpful information about making and producing my own films and recording my own adventures, looked through here and saw some good info. Check it out and hopefully you get something out of it, be sure to check out the jokes, some of them are funny, but not all!

Get Strapped Cleveland.

Do to the uprising in crime in cleveland, and knowing that there's a fuckload of potholes, dont be stranded in east cleveland without your gat. I have talked personally to the owner of this concealed carry course, and shes very knowledgable for those who are a nervous wreck behind the trigger. Check her out and have fun!!

Just Be mindful of cops

Go Ahead get your Gear on you deserve it!

Stumbled upon this deal, went and checked it out and it seemed really durable for the average backpacking cyphering Lifestyle enjoy..